
It's probably been awhile since you participated in the Trick or Treating of Halloween. But, now you are probably taking your kids. As kids, gorging on Halloween candy was looked forward to and fun. As an adult, it is not in your best interest to continue in that tradition. So, here's a few tips to get you through this sweetly tempting day:

-Snack on some healthy options. The photo above is a great alternative to a handful of FunSize candy bars. Add a little chocolate or caramel to a juicy apple and enjoy!

-When our children were little, we invented the Candy Fairy. After a night of Trick or Treating, the Candy Fairy would swoop in a take the excess candy while leaving a fun alternative, like a toy. This prevents the whole family from overdoing it for days after Halloween.

I hope these tips are helpful and that you and your family have a safe and healthy Halloween!



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