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Shakeology versus Visalus

We have all seen comparisons out there so we decided to do one of our own. Our official SHAKEOLOGY versus Body by Vi shake. For this test we wanted to not be bias so we used FoodFacts.com. 


Body By Vi Shake Food Facts

Shakeology Food Facts



You can clearly see that Shakeology scored higher and it is in fact one of the highest scoring products on the website. 

Let's look at them side by side. 

<<<Shakeology Body by Vi>>>







Throughout the various comparisons that I've read the majority of them have had Shakeology on top. The only category that Body By Vi has won is in the taste category because some people say that the Shakeology is "too greenberry-y" or "too chocolaty". I don't think that's a bad thing at all. You purchase those flavors because you like them and even then you can always alter it by adding your fruits or other pleasures. Hands down here at the Hudgens household the winner is clearly Shakeology. A reason the Visalus shake may taste better is because they use artificial sweeteners as well. You pour enough of that into anything and it'll taste good. 

So even though both companies are going for the same goal. Ending the trend of obesity. There is always a better, more efficient way of doing anything and that is with Shakeology. 


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Happy Holidays and HAPPY NEW YEAR from Monster Home Fitness!

We had a very busy Holiday break here at the Hudgens household. We took a short trip to Cancun before Christmas to escape the cold here in Dallas and we had a blast.  After what seemed like a short Holiday break the kiddos are back in school and 2012 as begun. Everyone always makes their new year resolutions to lose weight, or be healthy, or get fit. But you have to actually commit if you want to see the changes take place. Ask yourself, how many times have you told yourself you were going to lose weight as your new year resolution? And whether it's 5 pounds or 50 pounds have you lost that weight yet?


Chances are you've lost a couple pounds but still want to shed some of that excess weight. Well we at Monster Home Fitness have all the answers and solutions for your fitness needs. 

First things first. Your nutrition. Like Tony Horton says 

So you HAVE to make the right decisions EVERY SINGLE TIME you open your fridge or pantry door. Our best recommendation is with SHAKEOLOGY. If you've never heard of Shakeology it is the very best in meal replacement nutrition. It's 5 trips to the salad bar, all your fruits and veggies for the day its simply incredible. If you've never tried Shakeology and would like to then let us know ASAP. Comment on this post or go back to our home page and click on our free sample button!


Second we have to work on your fitness.

Thus  and then eventually .

I've done P90X 22 times all the way through and I have achieved incredible results! As you may or may not know, P90X2 has just recently in the past month been released. Being good friends with Tony Horton I got a chance to be in the new videos. I'm in the P.A.P Upper P90X2 DVD! I told myself when I started P90X that one day I would be the ripped guy in the video working out with Tony Horton and look at me now. The same exact thing could happen for you! If you commit then anything can happen. If you want to lose 5 pounds of 50 pounds P90X is the right first step for you! I wouldn't recommend P90X2 until you've completed P90X first. It's a whole different ball game. If you have any questions about nutrition, fitness, health and wellness then we offer FREE coaching! All you have to do is take that first step and ask! Leave a comment or email us at robert@monsterhomefitness.com or to my wife Melissa at Melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


How Long Will Team Beachbody Continue - Carl Daikeler


Somebody asked me the other day how long I would keep working to build Team Beachbody if it doesn’t quickly meet my goal of a million coaches helping 100 million people.  The question is fair, but it shows a misunderstanding of my intent behind the effort to build the Team Beachbody Coach network.

It is not just about a means to grow the business. It is not a clever way to sell more product.

I believe that in over a century of declining health, we have found the way to get people healthy again:  Real Fitness + Real Nutrition + Peer Support + Financial Rewards.

It’s not an easy sell, because it takes work. It takes the realization that the least expensive way to stay healthy is to make sure that we’re feeding our body TRULY substantial nutrition. And it means that we can no longer expect anyone to exercise, eat better, and understand the difference between quality nutrition and pretend nutrition without the courage of someone standing up for it. Those who do put that together deserve to be well paid for it. And I see that formula getting people healthy every single day.

It’s not just about a new miracle fitness product. It’s not just about a simple way to cut calories. It’s not just about a business model that might or might not work.

The Team Beachbody formula is how people get healthy, regain their vitality, and achieve a healthy fulfilling life. Asking me how long I will keep promoting Team Beachbody is like asking Magellan how long he is going to tell people the earth is not flat, AFTER he sails around the globe. The earth is not flat. Whether everyone believes it or not.

Fitness + Nutrition + Peer Support + Financial Rewards = Success, whether a million people sign up to advocate it or not. Whether some people experience it but then decide to promote a gimmick to make a buck or not, there are no short cuts to real success and a strong metabolism. This is what I have seen work, so this is what I promote. Team Beachbody is here to stay. Whether it grows fast or grows slow.

There will always be a those of us who have made it our mission to Help People Achieve Their Goals To Lead Healthy Fulfilling Lives.

Are there faster ways to make money? Ask the fast food companies. Are there easier ways to sell weight loss? Just walk through the diet section of the grocery store. Is there another way to end the trend of obesity? No… It is Real Fitness + Real Nutrition + Peer Support + Financial Rewards = Success.  Team Beachbody is here to stay.


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Tony Horton was on Dr.Oz 10.31.11, see what you missed!

Tony Horton fitness guru was on the Dr.Oz show yesterday 10.31.11. He did a special 10 minute daily workout that's a quick and easy way to shed pounds and get toned.

This Miracle Plan is divided up into 3 Steps.

  1. 90-10 Diet
  2. Accountability Calender
  3. Working Out

Step 1:

The 90-10 Diet. Which is 90% healthy food and 10% not so healthy. Tony says its all about finding ways to make the healthy things taste good. "Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats. You know I don't like steamed vegetables either but ya know you put salsa on them and all of a sudden they taste good". You want to look down at your plate and see color. If you have 90% healthy meal then you can slip in half a brownie for dessert. 

Us here at Monster Home Fitness recommend the same. We follow his nutritional tips as well. Whole grain instead of white flour. Opt in for the Parkay fake butter instead of even the I Cant Believe Its Not Butter. Non-fat cheese and etc... If you actually make a list and think about what you're putting into your body and next time you go to the store if you actually buy the right (I mean healthy) ingredients/groceries then you'll start to make a difference.

Step 2: Be Accountable

Tony said, "I've been keeping this calender for over 30 years and I write down appointments with myself because my health and fitness is priority 1."

Write down your appointments and then at the end of the day cross them out and hope you have filled more than half the month. Some months Tony workouts 19 days in a row, some weeks only 5 times a week but that is the MINIMUM. No less than 5 days a week. 

Melissa and I try and workout every single day. Some days because of errands or just spending time with the kids we can't but I can tell you for a fact that we workout 5 days a week.

Step 3: 10 Min Workout

This is the 8 step 10min workout that Tony gives for this Miracle Plan to help lose weight and get toned.

#1 The Push Up Side Arm Balance

You want to do 8 of those each side. 

#2 30 Seconds of feet drills. 

Just 30 seconds of basic feet drills to get the heart pumpin.

#3 Fifer Scissors

We all know the P90X famous Fifer Scissors from Ab Ripper X

#4 Plyo Lunges x15

#5 Two Dog Push-Up. Tony combines upward dog and downward dog with a two step pushup.

#6 Hook-Upper Cut-Back Kick

#7 Abernome (think metranome but with your legs working your abs)

#8 Spider Man Squats

Basically a squat reach touch jump spin.

That's it! We don't all have time for 30+ minute daily workouts and I understand that. Before I was with Beachbody I was a firefighter working hard hours and I didn't have all the time I wanted but I made it work anyways. Sometimes you just have to make it happen if you want it bad enough.

Here are the video links so you can watch the videos for yourself as well.

Intro Video (about 4 mins)

The 10 Minute Miracle Plan with Tony Horton on Dr. Oz


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Enter the Beachbody Challenge for a chance to win $100,000!!!


STEP 2: Follow The Challenge Commitments!


  • I WILL FOLLOW THE PROGRAM -- Do the entire program as suggested, including workouts, beginning and monthly photos and measurements, the fit test, and nutrition based on the program guide or the Online Menu Planner available with a Club Membership
  • I WILL DRINK SHAKEOLOGY ONCE A DAY -- Preferably for a healthy breakfast, but any of the 5 meals will do... this is a much needed investment into my health and I am committed to doing this for the entire 90 days
  • I WILL POSITIVELY ENGAGE WITH THE SMALL GROUP - We all hold a valuable spot in this 5 person team, and we need all of us to do our part, to help, encourage, challenge, and praise each other on our Facebook challenge page and one on one via messages and phone.
  • I WILL LOG MY WORKOUTS IN WOWY SUPERGYM--  I can do this by going to www.teambeachbody.com, entering my email and password, and clicking on "WOWY SUPERGYM" on the left hand side of the page.  Logging my workout increases my accountability. And I may be eligible to win the random $500 Supergym prize.  HOW COOL :)
  • I WILL NOT OVERTRAIN --  For the next 90 days I will focus all of my excercise efforts on this program and not overtrain my body by adding additional workouts
  • I WILL SHARE MY ACTIVITY -  I will report Daily to the Challenge group page upon completion of my workout, and I will share how my eating was for that day.
  • I WILL SHARE MY PHYSICAL RESULTS -- I will begin by sharing my results with this small group and others who may ask me.  The more I share the more I give inspiration and gather support.  Posting photos is highly recommended as an accountability tool.
  • I WILL SHARE MY EMOTIONAL AND SOCIAL RESULTS -  Along the way you will experience "life changes" on more than just a physical level.  It's important that you share your emotional and social results within this small group.  Chances are, others in the group are facing or have faced the same things.  TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
  • I WILL FINISH - I am making a 90 day commitment, and I am holding a valuable spot on a team of only 5 people.  It is my duty to myself and others to FINISH this 90 days!  I WILL NOT STOP SHORT!! AND I WILL NOT ALLOW THE OTHERS ON THIS TEAM TO STOP SHORT!! 


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com




Our CEO Carl Daikeler recently put out this blog. Check it out.

"Recently, we’ve received some questions about what constitutes a good source of protein and what is suspect.

In fact we’ve seen some leading opinion makers start to criticize whey protein isolate -  apparently to justify their own line of protein products. The arguments regarding whey protein isolate vs. whey protein concentrate which I have read are usually one-dimensional and fail to paint a complete picture of the benefits found in both types of whey protein.

On behalf of Beachbody’s formulation and scientific experts, I’ve asked our team to dispel the myths about whey and clear up some of the confusion. Below, we describe why we feel whey protein isolate is appropriate if not more favorable than other dairy-sources of protein, and by far more desirable than soy – even for my vegan wife and Shakeology co-formulator, Isabelle.

Myth #1: Protein isolates are proteins stripped away from their nutritional co-factors.

Whey protein isolate is the most pure and concentrated form of whey protein available. It contains 90% or more protein and very little (if any) fat and lactose. While it is possible that some nutritional co-factors found in whey protein concentrate are not found in isolates, consider that the synthesis of whey protein isolate with the over 70 organic compounds and super foods in our Shakeology product provide a comprehensive and bio-available spectrum of nutrients for the human body. Whey protein isolate is also an exceptional choice for individuals with lactose intolerance or who experience bloating and other problems associated with whey protein concentrate.  Whey concentrate is the better choice for supplements which have a more targeted focus (such as muscle recovery) versus total nutrition. A high quality whey protein concentrate is used in Beachbody’s P90X Results and Recovery and Whey Protein Powder products.


Myth #2- Whey protein isolates are exposed to acid processing.

Isolates can be processed a number of ways. Processing whey protein to remove the lactose, fats, and cholesterol while not losing its biological activity takes special care by the manufacturer. We have gone to great lengths to make sure that the whey protein isolate in Shakeology is purified using a technique called ion-exchange where protein is separated through its specific electrical charge. No acid is used in this process. The Shakeology whey isolate is extracted using a cold-processing method, avoiding high heat, leaving it 90% protein and virtually fat and lactose-free. Great care is taken not to ‘denature’ the protein in Shakeology. That’s why we call it “nature in a bag.” We mean it.


Myth #3: Your body cannot assimilate proteins in isolated form.

There is no credible science to support this assertion. Whey protein is a very high quality complete protein with rich amounts of all the essential amino acids. Whey protein isolate is the purest form of whey protein, which is why it is absorbed efficiently into the body.

Isabelle is a great example of someone who cannot ingest Whey Concentrate on a regular basis because she is allergic to dairy (protein & all). She suffered from intense bloating, gas and nausea.

The enzymes and vitamins present in the fat and environment of whey concentrate do not seem to enhance her ability to process it, and that’s even with extra enzymes taken with the meal for good measure. Still no luck.

She has used whey protein isolate in her diet on a regular basis, through Shakeology for years now, and she has not only had no adverse reaction, but the whey isolate has satisfied her protein requirements in an otherwise complete vegan lifestyle.


Myth #4: Due to over-processing, isolates are deficient in key amino acids.

Not true. Protein is made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the “building blocks” for healthy bodies. The body is able to make non-essential amino acids from other amino acids in the body. However, the body is not able to make essential amino acids and the only way to get them is by eating high quality protein foods. Protein sources that contain all of the essential amino acids are called “complete proteins”.

Good news: The whey used in Shakeology is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids exclusively in the more natural L-form (not D-form). Additionally, all of the 3 branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) including Leucine are present in Shakeology at high levels.

Finally, we all need to understand that the human body is exceptionally complex and always changing. What your body needed today it may not need in ten years. What it reacted to ten years ago it may crave today. And every one is different.

We don’t expect Shakeology to be the answer for everyone, and we are always working on ways we can complement the line of healthy options (and flavors, yes… it’s true.)

Every ingredient in Shakeology has been selected carefully to create a nutritional “symphony” of ingredients working together for maximum biological value. We would never include “putrid proteins” or chemical additives in a product we stand behind as “the healthiest meal of the day.”

All Beachbody nutrition products are 3rd party tested to ensure they are free of rancidity, toxins, hormones and all of the other things most people fear from dairy products. When sorting through the endless amounts of nutritional advice found in the Internet, consider the source, and above all else, look to your own body’s response for a clue to the truth. Be wary of individuals or companies offering alarmist nutritional advice while at the same time hocking their own products. (And when someone says their shake is as good as Shakeology, ask them to prove it with an unconditional money back guarantee.)

Oh snap! No he didn’t! (Yes, we did.)"

Original Source 


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com



In case you've never seen the original video about Shakeology by it's creator, check it out!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com